A masaai man from Kenya.

Only if I could be laid to repose
on a finely carved
African wooden bed,
I would not have to
worry about any
cuboid clad bag
that has in its belly,
an expectation of foreign dream.

I would lay my back
on the wooden bed of the black gods,
deep into the
black extol
and revolt,
the world would be aware
of the thick skin I possess,
the rebellious African skin.

Only if I could be laid naked,
not in any good night cloth
that I can’t afford,
But one of those African timbers.

Only if I could be laid to repose
on a finely carved
African wooden bed,
I would not have to worry
about any enslaving odor
of a foreign coffin,
that might want to
make me have a foreign deam.

I'm a budding poet, fabric designer and mobile photographer. I believe in African teachings of good character and respect. I love listening to folk songs of Michael Kiwanuka and Beautiful Nubia. I find great pleasure in reading blues poems of Langston Hughes.

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    Cameron Williamson
    Nov 23, 2018 at 12:23 pm

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      Rahabi Khan
      Nov 23, 2018 at 12:23 pm

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    Rahabi Khan
    Nov 23, 2018 at 12:23 pm

    Duis hendrerit velit scelerisque felis tempus, id porta libero venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus viverra magna commodo dui lacinia tempus. Donec malesuada nunc non dui posuere, fringilla vestibulum urna mollis. Integer condimentum ac sapien quis maximus.